How to Get Creative Domain Name Ideas for Your New Blog

domain name ideas

According to Hosting Tribunal, there are currently over 1.6 billion registered websites in the world. Of those billions, more than 500 million are blogs.

If you’re looking to create a new blog, that means that you’ll have to not only get creative with your content in order to compete but that you’ll also need to come up with a creative domain name.

With over 500 million blogs in existence, that means that you’re probably looking for creative domain name ideas that aren’t already taken. Here’s how to access domain ideas.

Understand the Importance of a Domain Name

Before deciding on a domain name, you’ll need to understand how important they are for your blog or business.

Choosing your blog name is a pretty big decision. It’s going to be a huge part of your blog’s brand identity, which means it needs to convey what you’re all about.

domain name is important for marketing and search engine optimisation as well.

Yoast, a leader in SEO, even promotes the idea that your domain name is important for your brand’s SEO.

This is where it becomes important to register your domain name in the country where your business, blog, or the majority of your customers are.

Someone searching for your blog in Ireland is going to have a much easier time finding you if you’re using a .ie domain extension.

So, when thinking about creative domain name ideas, it’s important to pick one that’s:

  • Catchy enough to set you apart from your competition
  • Easy enough to remember
  • Optimised for your area or country

Lucky for you, there are many online tools available that can help you come up with a name that accomplishes all of those goals.

What’s a Domain Name Generator?

Name generators are a great online marketing tool that many individuals and businesses use to create names for websites, agencies, blogs, and even products.

In fact, there’s a name generator for just about anything.

How do domain name generators work? They’ll allow you to enter one or multiple keywords and then they’ll generate some related blog name ideas that represent your brand well.

Here, it becomes important that you do your keyword research. What are some keywords that people interacting with your blog or industry might search?

If you’re creating a brand new baking blog, then think about the most popular keywords that are related to baking in your area.

Then, the name generator will spout out a few ideas that you can choose from. While they might not generate the exact name you’re looking for, they do often give you lots of great ideas that can serve as a starting point.

Oftentimes, these domain name generators will ask you to enter the domain extension so that they’re not offering up any name ideas that are already taken.

Here, it’s important to remember to enter the right domain extension that you’re looking for. More often than not, this will be a .ie domain name.

Analysing the Top Domain Name Generators

As mentioned, there are plenty of name generators to choose from when looking for domain name suggestions. Here are the top ones we recommend.

Nameboy for a Variety of Domain Names

Nameboy is perhaps one of the older name generator tools on the market. It’s grown to fame because it’s so easy to use and it’s highly efficient.

The generator prompts you to enter your keywords and then click Submit. Yep, it’s that easy.

Depending on the kind of name you’re looking for, it will generate traditional website name ideas or actual blog domain names.

What’s impressive about the domain ideas that this generator provides you with is the sheer variety. By just entering one keyword, it comes up with pretty creative ideas that you probably haven’t thought of.

And, it also lets you search for multiple keywords and even use synonyms.

NameMesh for Specific Blog Goals

If you’re looking to generate a blog domain name that will help you achieve specific goals, then head over to NameMesh.

It works pretty similarly to other name generators in that you enter keywords and it gives you creative domain name ideas.

However, what’s different is that it allows you to search for names in different categories. These include domain names that are:

  • Fun
  • Short
  • SEO-optimised
  • New
  • Common
  • A mix of words
  • Similar to your keywords but not the same

The last one is really helpful if you’ve found a domain name that you love but is already taken.

Panabee for Unique Names

If you’re aiming for a blog name that truly stands out, then search for one on Panabee.

It will allow you to describe your ideal name in the search bar. When you hit search it will give you unique name ideas that some other name generators don’t give you.

For example, it will show you a related name but spell it backward. Or, it will give you a name idea based on your keywords but show you how it looks with all of the vowels taken out.

It will even mix syllables, merge vowels, or drop the first letter.

While this is nothing extremely innovative, it’s a great way to find a truly unique domain name that others aren’t going to have.

Starting Your Blog with Domain Name Ideas

Now that you’ve got plenty of domain name ideas, it’s time to pick one.

Remember to ensure that it’s catchy, easy to spell and remember and that it represents your brand well.

Once you’ve decided on a name, you’ll need to register the domain.

Ready to create your blog? Head over to to get started.

We can offer .ie domain names for as low as €19.99, or .com domain names for as low as €9.99. Interested in a different type of domain extension? We can help you with that.

Before registering, take a look at our IE Registration Guide to ensure that you’re covering all of your bases with your brand new blog.